What Guys Really Mean

Here's a detailed look on what boys say and what they actually mean about that. Statement: "I'm a Romantic."True Meaning: "I'm poor."
Statement: "You're the only girl I've ever cared about."True Meaning: "You are the only girl who hasn't rejected me."
Statement: "I really want to get to know you better."True Meaning: "So I can tell my friends about it."
Statement: "She's kinda cute."True Meaning: "I wouldn't kick her out of bed but a pillow over thehead might be necessary."
Statement: "I don't know if I like her."True Meaning: "She won't sleep with me."
Statement: "Was it good for you?"True Meaning: "I'm insecure about mymanhood."
Statement: "I had a wonderful time last night."True Meaning: "Who are you?"
Statement: "Do you love me?"True Meaning: "I've done something stupid and you might find out."
Statement: "Do you 'really' love me?"True Meaning: "I've done something stupid and you're going to find out sooner or later."
Statement: "How much do you love me?"True Meaning: "I've done something really stupid and someone's on their way to tell you by now."
Statement: "I have something to tell you."True Meaning: "Get tested."
Statement: "I've been thinking a lot."True Meaning: "You're not as attractive as when I was drunk."
Statement: "I think we should just be friends."True Meaning: "You're ugly."
Statement: "I've learned a lot from you."True Meaning: "Next!!!!"
Statement: "I'm on a long distance call, can you call me later?"True Meaning: "I gotta turn on my answering machine."

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